Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass (1LP Gatefold) by Lana Del Rey - Vinyl - shop now at uDiscover store

Lana Del Rey Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass (1LP Gatefold)

Product Type: Vinyl
Our price: 24,99
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[Vinyl Side A]

  1. LA Who Am I To Love You
  2. The Land Of 1,000 Fires
  3. Violet Bent Backwards Over The Grass
  4. Past The Bushes Cypress Thriving
  5. Salamander
  6. Never To Heaven

[Side B]

  1. SportCruiser
  2. Tessa DiPietro
  3. Quiet Waiter Blue Forever
  4. What Happened When I Left You
  5. Happy
  6. My Bedroom Is A Sacred Place Now – There Are Children At The Foot Of My Bed
  7. Paradise Is Very Fragile
  8. Bare Feet On Linoleum